Miss you three... as in I'm third in line... Hope you are well and really do miss you. I don't trust my bloglines so I'm checking in more often than not. Sigh. K
I'm a happy thirty-something wife of 20 years, mother to four home-born boys (17, 13, 10 and 1). My life as a birth assistant as I shadow a local homebirth midwife. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away."
Oh, no!
Where are you?!
Yes, I miss you too. Please come back!
Miss you three... as in I'm third in line...
Hope you are well and really do miss you. I don't trust my bloglines so I'm checking in more often than not.
another one missing your blog... hope things are ok with you
anon S
Come back soon!
hope all is well
Okay, it's December... send us a lifeline! Please let someone know you are okay, or not okay.... PLEASE!
Miss you LadyElms...
Hope all is well.
Cheers, L
Still missing you...in February...
I "see" Midwiffe Seed around and know she's doing alright. :)
why this blog down?
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